Tim Kelley, Beth Scanzani & Jeffrey Van Dyk – Evolving Beyond Your Wounds
What You’ll Discover in These 20 Weeks
Course sessions are on Thursdays at Noon Pacific.
In this 20-week transformational intensive, you’ll be guided through the fundamental concepts, skills, and competencies you need to successfully move beyond the constraints of your wounding and share your unique gifts with others.
In addition to the main course sessions, Tim, Beth, and Jeffrey will also lead monthly mastermind calls in which they and the trained coaches will work with you more closely and answer additional questions, which will give you time to share and be supported by others if you wish. This will help to build a strong, global community of practice and support, all of whom can be allies in manifesting your higher guidance in the world.
Each weekly LIVE training session will build harmoniously upon the next so you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to evolve beyond wounding as the source of motivation and take more risks that will help you fully realize your life’s purpose.
Module 1: Bring Your Wounds Out of Hiding (2 weeks) (November 1 & 8)

What would be possible if YOU were finally able to shift the fundamental wounds that have shaped your reality? What if you were able to make peace with yourself and live in a state of ease and grace? What do you need to address in order to have all parts of you “on board” as you advance on this path from wound-driven motivation to a purpose-guided life and livelihood?
The prospect of deep, personal transformation frequently activates fears and limiting beliefs… even if you’re changing a pattern that has caused you pain! Before you engage in a process that will evolve your very identity and catalyze a life of deep peace, purpose, and harmony, you need to consciously attend to your fears about change.
In these two sessions with Tim and Beth, you’ll discover:
- The higher purpose of your wounds in your spiritual growth and development as human being
- What’s really driving your resistance to change, and what to do about it
- Freedom from fears that block you from evolving beyond your wounds and embodying your higher purpose
- A clear vision for yourself and your life once this transformation is complete
- Two powerful techniques for clearing the fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs that can block your success in any important goal in your life
Module 2: Decode Your Decision Making (3 weeks, including 1 Mastermind Call) (November 15 & 29, December 6)

In these sessions with Tim, Beth, and Jeffrey, you’ll learn more about why you do what you do. It seems like a simple enough question, but we all have certain patterns and behaviors that seem to “sneak out,” which we don’t like and regret expressing. Maybe you blow up at your kids. Or you’re critical of your spouse, micromanage your employees, or simply berate yourself!
In this module, you’ll discover the defining moments that caused these patterns in the first place.
What would it be like to finally neutralize those old, unconscious triggers that create pain for you and others? How would you feel if you could be in an environment that used to trigger you, but instead could stay connected to your heart and move through each situation with love?
In this module, you’ll discover:
- How and why you developed your wound-related patterns
- The unconscious decisions you’ve been making and what’s driving them
- Which parts of you developed during your wounding (parts that want and need healing now!)
- The skills and gifts that grew from your wound patterns, and how you can carry them forward in your life in purposeful, healthy ways
Module 3: Upgrade Your Emotional Operating System (3 weeks, including 1 Mastermind Call) (December 13 & 20; January 3)

Most of life is spent trying NOT to be the thing your wound says you ARE! That’s the drama of life, and it’s what keeps you on a hamster wheel of trying to heal yourself and grow, but still finding yourself in painful patterns you want to avoid. The good news is that your wound-driven belief, like all beliefs, can change!
In these sessions, Tim, Beth, and Jeffrey will help you discover the deep, judgmental belief you made up about yourself early in life in order to adapt to your circumstances. It may sound like I’m stupid, I’m a fraud, I’m worthless, I’m nothing, and so on. This wound-based core belief has been driving your feelings, thoughts, and actions for most of your life.
In this sessions, you’ll experience the liberation of knowing what your wound-driven belief actually is, in precise, personal language. You’ll then engage in a profound belief-changing process that will allow you to see your wound for what it is — as simply a decision that you made and can un-make.
In this module, guest faculty Lion Goodman, Tim, and Jeffrey will guide you to:
- Name your core wound — the thing you’ve been pushing against your whole life
- See how everything has stemmed from your wound and shaped your life
- Appreciate your wound as necessary preparation for your life’s work
- Take your wound into a loving process of evolution and change
- Finally get unstuck from this old construct and live in the powerful, peaceful present

Lion Goodman has 35 years of experience as an executive coach, counselor, and healer. He’s coached business owners, technology executives, and change agents around the world. Lion is the creator of The Clear Beliefs Process, a proprietary methodology for shifting beliefs at the core of the psyche, which he has taught to hundreds of coaches and therapists internationally.
Lion was Director of Men’s Programs at The Shift Network, which served more than 20,000 participants, and has taught workshops and trainings across the U.S. and Europe. He’s the author of Creating on Purpose (with Anodea Judith, PhD); Menlightenment: A Book for Awakening Men, and Clear Your Beliefs.
Module 4: Heal Your Wounds (6 weeks, including 1 Mastermind Call) (January 10, 17, 24 & 31; February 7 & 14)

Now that you’ve understood the wound, uncovered the patterns in your life that stem from it, and shifted your wound-driven beliefs, you can move into deep healing.
In response to your wound-driven beliefs, you developed distinct parts of your psyche: defensive parts, critical parts, wounded children, and parts you’ve simply buried for most of your life. In their evolved state, these parts of you are integral to a high-functioning psyche that can take on anything and enable you to step boldly into your life’s mission.
During this 6-session module, Tim and Beth will guide you to:
- Develop a profound inner permission to work with these wounded parts of yourself and heal them
- Learn to move unfelt emotions and experience them in real time without “making them wrong”
- Understand the structure of your psyche and “upgrade” the roles your parts play to be in service to your life’s mission and joy
- See the wound-driven reason that causes most change-agents to struggle with accomplishing their mission — and how to create a psyche that can achieve your mission powerfully, lovingly, and effectively
Module 5: Emotional Transformation (4 weeks, including 1 Mastermind Call) (February 21 & 28; March 7, 14)

What happens to the emotions that you decided not to feel because of your wounding experiences? Who could you be and what could you do if you reclaimed your capacity to feel and express a fuller range of emotions?
In this module, you’ll discover:
- How to know whether and how to help your wounded child evolve
- How to work with disowned emotions
- The benefits of learning to feel and deal with disowned emotions
- What’s possible when your disowned emotions are owned and Integrated
Module 6: The Path to the Future (2 weeks) (March 21 & 28)

Now that you’ve done extensive work to shift and evolve past your wounds, it’s time to create a plan for the most powerful, purposeful, loving version of yourself.
The wisdom and practices you’ve learned in this program are designed to support you in staying consciously engaged in a continual process of rapid self-transformation. With this as the “new normal,” every aspect of your life can feel expansive, meaningful, and purposefully guided. When your energetic motivation has transformed beyond your wounds, you’ll have a clear vision and path to fulfill your deepest calling.
In this module with Tim and Beth, you’ll receive:
- A plan for your continued evolution and transformation
- Resources to maintain and accelerate your growth
- Clarity, strategies, and support to stay the course for the long term
The Evolving Beyond Your Wounds Bonus Collection
In addition to Tim and Beth’s transformative, 20-week live online training, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions. These bonus sessions complement the course and will deepen your understanding and practice.
Creating Automated Transformation
Live Call With Tim Kelley

In this bonus call, you’ll learn an approach to training some of your inner parts to work on your growth and transformation 24/7, while you’re working, sleeping, and living the rest of your life. You can have them transform misaligned parts, remove limiting beliefs, or use any technique that you’ve ever learned to accelerate your transformation, without even needing to pay attention to the process. Imagine what’s possible if your personal growth work could be happening all the time, in your unconscious!
Somatic Presencing
Audio Teaching and PDF Guide From Jeffrey Van Dyk

In this training, you’ll discover an incredibly effective process for dismantling the trauma associated with your wounds and move through your wounds — the moment they are triggered. This “on the go” process is quick, easy, and highly effective — combining parts work with contemporary neuroscience. This tool will begin dismantling the trauma associated with your wounds so you can integrate the disowned parts of yourself and become an integrated, empowered leader.
Reformatting the Ego
Live Call With Tim Kelley and Beth Scanzani

Once you’ve healed your core wound, it becomes possible to restructure your psyche in ways which would otherwise be impossible. This live call will teach you about different ways to organize yourself and how it functions, and different sources of motivation you can use, once you are no longer driven relentlessly by your core wound. These cutting-edge techniques will open up brand new possibilities for your personal evolution!
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