Tobe Brockner – The 12 Week Year Masterclass and Advanced Training
Get MORE Done in LESS Time and Live Life on YOUR Terms!
How is it that some people seem to accomplish so much while the vast majority of people never accomplish what they are capable of?
Consider the following questions…
– If you could fully tap your potential, what might be different for you?
– How would your life change if each and every day you performed up to your full potential?
– What would be different 6 months, 3 years, or 5 years down the road if each day you were at your best?
What does it take to be your best?
That is the question, and The 12 Week Year Masterclass is the answer.
In this masterclass you are going to learn how to increase your current results by four times or more, in a very short period of time!
We will unpack the secrets to high performance in a way that allows you to produce staggering results.
In this masterclass, you are going to learn…
- The 2 keys most people miss when setting goals
- How working less on your goals will actually help you accomplish more!
- The crucial element needed in every plan (this is why most plans fail!)
- Why just knowing more isn’t nearly enough and what you need instead (this is the number one factor holding most people back!)
- Why “holding yourself accountable” is a recipe for failure and what to do instead to virtually guarantee success
The 12 Week Masterclass is a self-paced course that uses videos, exercises, and other materials to help you get the most out of the training and immediately implement it into your life!
Meet Your Trainer…
Hi, I’m Tobe Brockner…
For over 15 years I have been studying what makes people perform at the highest levels.
I’ll be the first to admit that this was because I wasn’t very good at accomplishing my goals either. But over the years I have added layers of practical knowledge and experience to my daily actions and have created a system of performance that will help you achieve anything you want in life, almost effortlessly.
Whether you want to lose weight, make more money, be a better husband, start a business…whatever it is, you can use The 12 Week Year as the framework for doing so!
Access to The 12 Week Year Masterclass Member’s Area
8 Modules with Video Trainings
Module 1: Overview
Module 2: Vision
Module 3: Planning
Module 4: Process Control
Module 5: Measurement
Module 6: Time Use
Module 7: Accountability and Commitment
Module 8: Next Steps
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