Trent Brown – Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: The Surgery, The Rehabilitation, The Outcomes
- Faculty:
- Trent Brown
- Duration:
- 1 Hour 57 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Aug 03, 2017
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty (TSA) and Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty (R TSA) have increased by 243% in the last decade and will steadily climb with the emergence of the baby boomer generation. In addition, over 1/3 of all TSA and R TSA patients are under the age of 64. As outcomes have steadily increased with the advancement of surgical techniques, therapy protocols for the TSA patient have remained stagnant and redundant.
This recording will discuss the techniques used by surgeons to access the shoulder, common prosthesis used for TSA and R TSA, and a peer reviewed “gold standard” 3-phase protocol to ensure aggressive therapy services and functional outcomes. We will discuss the risks from delaying total shoulder arthroplasty and the benefits from immediate therapy. We will also study the emergence of younger patients electing for total shoulder arthroplasty and their ability to return to normal activity including sports.
Manual – Total Shoulder Arthroplasty (1.47 MB) | 59 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Trends and Projections with TSA
- Age, etiology, costs, etc.
- Common Dx leading to TSA
- Why R TSA will be the new norm
- Mastering the R TSA
Why Individuals Undergo TSA
- Pain, Arthritis, etc.
- Delaying Arthroplasty
- Who qualifies for TSA
The Surgery and the Rehab
- Humeral and Glenoid Components
- Surgical Procedure
- 3 Phase “Gold Standard” Protocol
- Proper Pendulum
- GPG Mobilization Techniques
- Post Recovery
- 5 standards of Documentation
- Examples

Trent Brown, MOT, OTR/L, ATP, BCG Related seminars and products: 14
Advanced Healthcare
TRENT BROWN, MOT, OTR/L, ATP, BCG, is a practicing therapist in Utah and is one of 36 credential holders of a board certification in gerontology (BCG) from the AOTA. Mr. Brown also holds a certification as an assistive technology professional (ATP) from RESNA. He completed his undergraduate and graduate work at the University of Utah where he is also an adjunct professor. He is employed by the Department of Health (UDOH) to develop, implement, and operate healthcare quality improvement programs and has authored multiple laws to legislate improved patient care. Mr. Brown also reviews clinical documentation for UDOH as an expert witness in reviewing cases. Mr. Brown has over 15 years of clinical experience in skilled nursing, transitional care, acute, and home health. Recently, he served as the VP for the UOTA where he co-authored SB 131 advancing OT practice in the state of Utah and has received multiple awards for his clinical, academic, and legislative work. Through his expertise in advocating for therapy services authoring law and rule he has evolved into an expert presenter on ethical and legal issues facing therapy. Mr. Brown has provided courses for thousands of clinicians throughout the country in conferences, private settings, and specialty conferences. Mr. Brown is a master clinician and lecturer on a myriad of topics including joint arthroplasty, core strengthening, documentation, aging, functional mobility, ethics, and fall reduction. He has also been a keynote speaker at multiple events throughout the country.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Trent Brown is an adjunct professor at the University of Utah. He receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Trent Brown is a credential holder of a board certification in gerontology (BCG) from the AOTA.
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