Vahva Fitness – Health & Fighting Qigong
The Ancient Art of Qigong
Qigong is one of the oldest forms of health practices the history going back 5000 years.
Back then, thousands and even just hundreds of years ago people lived in a vastly different world than we live in today. The world was far more physical and dangerous than the world nowadays. Back then, illnesses and injuries often caused death or permanent damage.
There were no antibiotics. No surgeries. Nothing we take granted in the modern world. Mistakes caused arms, legs and even lives.
Instead of relying on external sources, the masters had to go deep into the body. They had to learn how to control the breath, the mind and the entire physiology not just for rehabilitation but also for health, longevity, strength and power.
Over the span of thousands of years, the ancient Qigong masters made amazing discoveries in the realm of human performance and the ability to heal the body naturally.
pure lineage qigong real qigong chikung course hisham al-harounToday, a lot of this art has been forgotten. People have become dependent on external sources and no longer know how to fix or take care of themselves. There is a “fix” for everything which almost always fixes the symptom but never the root cause.
It’s extremely difficult to find proper Qigong anymore because the real masters are far and few between. If you go to the typical Qigong class, it’s often very esoteric where everything is about “healing energy” or the class is only about superficial forms.
Real Qigong is 100% practical with techniques and exercises you can use immediately to improve your health, well-being and performance of the body. You feel the effects almost immediately or in a relatively short period of time.
Moreover, Real Qigong can also get so fierce and intense that it causes severe hormonal misbalances for women due to the drastic boost on the body’s testosterone levels.
We are excited to bring you both Health Qigong and Fighting Neigong to help you rejuvenate and revitalize your body.
We believe this is one of the most important works of art on the field to date. Continue reading and you will understand why.
What We Will Cover
This is a comprehensive package to the world of Qigong which will give you amazing tools to take care of yourself. The depth and size of this course is unprecedented.
Health Qigong
General Health & Self-Treatment
In this part of the course, we will cover various relaxation techniques, self-massage techniques, calming stances and sleep techniques to help you take care of your health.
You will also learn Jiang Yu Shan’s incredibly detailed and comprehensive meditation routine. Not only that, we will also cover sexual transmutation, lifestyle advice and more.
Fundamental & Advanced Breathing
Your breath is the force where all life and power comes from, yet very few know how to breathe properly.
We cover 10 lessons on breathing ranging from the very fundamentals to some of the most advanced breathing techniques you have ever seen. You will learn the most potent Qigong breathing technique called The Breath of Mental Power (精神力量的呼吸).
12 Buddhist Qigong Exercises
You will learn a Buddhist Qigong form with 12 rejuvenating movements that are some of the best mobility work you can do for your whole body.
We will cover all movements in detail, the proper breathing and even an enlightenment mantra to elevate the mind. Anyone regardless of their level of fitness, age, gender or background will be able to get immense benefits with this form.
Warrior Monk Neigong
The Hidden History of Shaolin Temple
The history you learn in the West and the history you learn in the East are two different things.
Jiang Yu Shan will tell the real story of the Shaolin temple and ancient Kung Fu based on old Chinese books and the oral history he has learned from his masters. Jiang’s masters had direct contact with the monks and abbots of the old Shaolin temple before the destruction and commercialization of the temple.
The Golden Bell.
We will cover the small Golden Bell which is one of the most protected skills of the ancient Shaolin temple. The monks worked hard to preserve this skill through history.
The Golden Bell is the protection for both the body and mind the warrior monks used during combat and difficult times. Your body will become as hard as iron and your mind will also become impenetrable to any external forces.
18 Lohan Gong Form
When you combine the Lohan Gong exercises with the body hardening of The Golden Bell, the results are something special. This is the form the ancient Warrior Monks used to prepare themselves for real combat.
The form you will learn here is so fierce and masculine most of the feminized and developed world hasn’t experienced for centuries. Expect drastic changes in your body structure and hormonal levels after you have mastered the form.
General Health Qigong — 11 Lessons
Basic Qigong Theory (10:05)
The Western Perspective (3:59)
Dead Man’s Posture (6:43)
Pharaoh Sitting (10:15)
Calming Stance (7:31)
Sleeping Techniques (12:02)
Head Massage Techniques (13:53)
Full Body Massage Techniques (9:06)
Meditation Routine (11:31)
Meditation Routine How-To (6:03)
Sexual Transmutation (4:10)
Breathing Qigong — 10 Lessons
The Breath of Mental Power: Lying (7:14)
The Breath of Mental Power: Standing (7:34)
The Breath of Mental Power: Tuna Exhale 1 (4:07)
The Breath of Mental Power: Relaxation (9:21)
The Breath of Mental Power: Tuna Exhale 2 (6:45)
The Breath of Mental Power: Rhythm Breathing (5:24)
Purifying Breathing (17:35)
Sun Logos Breathing 13:43)
Warming Breathing (5:22)
Body Strengthening Breathing (11:19)
Buddhist Qigong Form — 15 Lessons
Buddhist Form with a Mantra (5:30)
Buddhist Form with Correct Breathing (5:26)
Buddhist Form Schedule (3:12)
1. Hands Push the Sky (3:59)
2. Follow the Palm (2:54)
3. Scissor the Fists (3:39)
4. Clearing the Mind (3:33)
5. Bow and Arrow (7:19)
6. Overturning Rivers & Sea (2:51)
7. Turning Heaven & Earth (1:57)
8. Omniscient Mind (2:52)
9. The Dharma Wheel (8:28)
10. Emptying the Mind (4:32)
11. Buddha’s Bow (5:28)
12. The Offering (4:35)
The History of Shaolin — 6 Lessons
Pure Styles vs. Hybrid Styles (3:08)
5 Temples, 3 Families, 4 Doors (9:46)
The Origin of Monkey Kung Fu (6:23)
Hard vs. Soft Styles (4:07)
Holder of the Monkey Fist (5:20)
The Trinity System (4:01)
Lohan Gong Form — 12 Lessons
Lohan Gong Form Demonstration (4:24)
Lohan Gong Form Schedule (1:22)
3 Stages of Form Training (1:33)
Preparation and Salutation (4:59)
1-3. Lohan Movements (5:25)
4-6. Lohan Movements (7:33)
7-8. Lohan Movements (7:00)
9-10. Lohan Movements (3:08)
11-14. Lohan Movements (7:47)
15-18. Lohan Movements (7:33)
Lohan Ending Moves (9:44)
Advice on the Lohan Gong Form (15:23)
The Golden Bell — 12 Lessons
The Golden Bell (11:25)
Cautions and Advice (2:37)
Preparation for The Golden Bell (7:01)
Preparation 2 for The Golden Bell (1:25)
Applying Medicine (3:04)
Lohan Gong Form with Iron Rings (12:50)
The Golden Bell Methods 1 & 2 (3:10)
The Golden Bell Methods 3 & 4 (3:24)
Medicine and Massage (2:17)
Preparing and Getting the Equipment (3:26)
Effects of The Golden Bell (5:38)
“Straight Forward” Mentality (4:17)
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