William Doherty, Terry Real, Tammy Nelson, and more! – The Dilemmas of Divorce: New Approaches for Helping Couples on the Brink
No cases involve more momentous consequences than those involving couples on the brink of divorce, especially when children are involved. No matter how neutral we try to be, our beliefs, judgments, and behavior in the therapy room can have enormous repercussions on whether clients decide to go all-in for saving their marriage or dissolve it. What’s our responsibility and what role should our own values and judgments play in the process? Is therapeutic neutrality really possible when marriages are on the line? Should it be?
To help you answer these questions, we’re launching an all-new online video course — The Dilemmas of Divorce: New Approaches for Helping Couples on the Brink. It features William Doherty, Terry Real, Tammy Nelson, Michele Weiner-Davis, Patricia Papernow, and Elana Katz — leading innovators in the field of couples therapy who will share new approaches they’ve developed specifically for couples considering divorce.
You’ll learn how to determine the best interests of your clients and their entire families and get the practical guidance you need to start using these new approaches with couples considering divorce in your own practice.
- Explore practical approaches to help ambivalent partners move forward with clarity and confidence
- Find out how to guide a divorcing couple through a 3-stage process that allows them to end their union with respect and good will
- Discover the limits of therapeutic neutrality with couples considering divorce and learn how to actively engage with both partners in therapy
- Gain new skills, new understanding, and new levels of confidence as you work with challenging couples considering divorce
Take the first step to enhancing your skills and increasing your effectiveness by signing up now for this online course.
Master the Approaches these Experts Rely On
Module 1
- The common mistakes therapists make with “mixed agenda” couples
- How to use individual and conjoint sessions to help both partners take responsibility for their contributions to the problems in the relationship
- How to help them reflect on the consequences of ending their commitment to each other and the impact it may have on their family
- How to prepare them to deal with the next stage in their lives, whether they divorce or not, with a fuller awareness
- Challenging the myth of therapeutic neutrality
- The clarifying questions to ask ourselves when we’re ambivalent about pushing the relationship on or helping the couple pull the plug
- When and how therapists should offer couples direct feedback about staying together or not
- How to help a couple say goodbye to each other when that’s the appropriate course for them
- Crisis Phase – Learn strategies for guiding couples through the decision process, handling emotional issues, addressing the practical questions of how to negotiate the legal system, developing a co-parenting plan, and working through other day-to-day details
- Insight Phase – Help divorcing couples review the deeper meaning of their marriage, determine what they’ve learned, find ways to mourn their loss, and express regrets and appreciation to each other
- Vision Phase – Support the couple in finding ways — often through ritual — to honor the marriage and approach divorce as an important life passage rather than a shameful failure
- How to reframe, persuade, and structure therapy in ways that enhance the likelihood of reconciliation
- The specific language choices that can either create optimism or pessimism with ambivalent couples
- Teaching motivated partners how to develop a step-by-step plan for saving their marriage
- How to help motivated clients wishing to maintain a marriage focus on themselves, rebuild strengths, and keep their desperation at bay
- The common dynamics and dilemmas of gray divorce
- Common mistakes therapists make in working with boomer stepparents and their adult stepchildren
- Best practices for handling the often combustible triangle of biological parent, adult stepchild, and newly married stepparent
- How to help alienated boomer fathers and their daughters develop emotional connection in the wake of a divorce
- How therapists, attorneys, and financial professionals can work together as a team to maximize the outcome for all parties involves in a divorce
- The training required to become a collaborative divorce coach
- The stages of the collaborative divorce process and which couples it is most appropriate for
- Concrete strategies for encouraging constructive dialogue at the divorce settlement table
Meet the Course Experts:

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